  佛山涌尾顺杰昕鞋厂位于佛山市南海区平洲镇平西工业区,长期以来,专注开发男女鞋类产品,并且自己开发生产鞋底,这可以更大程度保障产品质量和交货时间。自成立以来,为国内、国外知名品牌贴牌生产时尚鞋品。目前,工厂拥有三层厂房一栋,共有生产办公区间4200多平方米,拥有技术人员等员工160多人,并自设标准的员工饭堂,严格执行保护环境、保护劳动者权益、保障消费者权利的法律法规。 我们很荣幸向您介绍ROSWORD这个品牌。这是一个由我们的员工自己创造出来的全新的单词,字面上结合了“玫瑰”和“剑”两个字的元素,代表了两种截然相反但又回味无穷的意境,折射出这样一种涵义:男人与女人、柔美与勇毅、优雅与恒久。 工厂定位于专业制造男女皮鞋、靴子,大部分产品全部采用牛皮,精工制造,按时按质交货,产品主要销往美国、日韩、法国、意大利、比利时、俄罗斯和港台等地区,同事为国内外鞋类品牌提供加工定做服务。 我厂展厅样品丰富,相信其中必有适合贵公司客户的款式,欢迎您前来参观和订货! Our factory, a well established SHOES SUPPLIER, Yongweishun JieXin Shoes Manufacturer Factory, is located in Foshan, which is speciallizing in producing high quality LEATHER SHOES and BOOTS for men and women, and we do the soles by ourselves also. The products are selling to the USA, France, Italy, Russia, Belgium and other countries. Besides, we provide OEM and ODM service for domestic and abroad famouse brands. We are ready to supply shoes for the world. The factory takes a whole building of 3-floors covering an area of 4200 square metres with more than 160 staffs, many of them have more than 10 years shoes manufacturing experience. We abide by the laws and principles to protect the benefits of our staffs, customers and environment. We have a nice show room built inside the factory, your visit is well expected. Being seirous in business, friendly in personality, trustful in cooperation, we believe that you could get an ideal partner by discussing with us! We are hereby glad to introduce our brand name ROSWORD. It is a new vocabulary created by our staffs, combining ROSE and SWORD together, releasing signals of meeting girl's tenderness and boy's braveness, linking lady's elegance and men's resposibility well.
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